Installing OPENVPN Client on Linux


Process-1: Open a new terminal screen,

Process-2: In Ubuntu/Debian operating system;

sudo su apt-get install openvpn

On Fedora/Centos/Redhat operating system;

sudo yum install openvpn

Wait until the installation is complete.

Process-3: cd  ⁄home (change to /home directory)

Process-4: Download the file below;

w get

Process-5: Open the downloaded file with the following command.

tar -zxvf openvpn2-client-files.tar.gz -C /etc/openvpn/

Process-6: cd  /etc/openvpn/ (change to directory)

Process-7: Start the Openvpn connection with the following command.

sudo openvpn –config

Enter Auth Username:  (Enter your IZTECH e-mail address)

Enter Auth Password: (Enter your e-mail password)

Initialization Sequence Completed

When you see the message on the screen, the VPN connection has been established.

You can access your computer on campus by opening a new terminal (eg ssh connection).

After making the vpn connection in the initial setup, you can start from step 6 for your other new vpn connections.